Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Best Birthday EVER!

Sunday night Lana, Anne, and I ventured out at midnight to go watch the game. Since I had been lazy all weekend, staying up to watch it was a challenge. I only lasted through the first quarter then went home.. It probably would have been better if I cared about NFL or if they showed the awesome commercials here.. but neither of those worked out for me; so to bed I went.

Woke up bright and early.. and one year older. The big 2-3. We only had studio, and it only lasted a couple hours. Great birthday present! :) We started our next studio project which is analyzing patterns in Orvieto. My group is analyzing eating atmospheres, considering we are in Italy afterall. It will be a fun project I think. So we started our research and went to a place called Blue Bar for sandwiches. It's a little cafe owned by a French man and his wife-very nice people. We worked on a project a little bit, and then headed back home to curl up under some blankets--it's freakin' cold in this place right now!

We went out to dinner at Zeppelin's-almost the whole crew was there again. The food was awesome, as usual- flan (or in Vitopaulo's words "a fluffy muffin"), some pasta with lamb ragu, and mousse for dessert. They decorated my plate and even put a candle in it and sang to me! At the end of the night they told me my meal was free! I would say I made it out pretty well on this birthday, what more could I ask for?! In Italy, with good friends, good food.. and good wine haha. Happy Birthday to me :)

First Course
Second Course
My personalized dessert :)
Today has been just a normal day- class, nap, class, trip planning (spring break in Paris and Spain? sure why not?).. ya know, the usual :) It's bitter cold out, and it's supposed to snow again.. I want spring to get here now. Despite the weather, this place is still beautiful.

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